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Find monthly parking near Beaumont Wilshire

The Beaumont-Wilshire neighborhood of Portland, Oregon is located in the city's northeast section, on Alameda Ridge with views of Downtown, the Willamette River, and the Cascades. It is bordered by the Alameda, Concordia, Cully, Rose City Park, and Grant Park neighborhoods. "Beaumont Village", located on NE Fremont Street, from NE 33rd Ave. to NE 50th Ave., is the main commercial district in the neighborhood, but the neighborhood also lies within walking distance of the Hollywood District, a major commercial and shopping area to the south. Beaumont-Wilshire is an older, well established neighborhood with a strong sense of community. It has a mixture of residential and commercial properties. The Beaumont-Wilshire neighborhood is in actuality two separate neighborhoods separated by NE Fremont Street, with Beaumont to the south and Wilshire to the north. The two neighborhoods agreed to form the Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association to recognize their common interests, including their common commercial center of Beaumont Village. - source: Wikipedia

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