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Find monthly parking near Corbett Terwilliger Lair Hill

South Portland is a long narrow neighborhood just south of Downtown Portland, Oregon, hemmed in between the Willamette River and the West Hills. It stretches from I-405 and the Marquam Bridge on the north, to SW Canby St. and the Sellwood Bridge in the south. The Willamette forms the eastern boundary, and SW Barbur Blvd. most of the western boundary. In addition to Downtown to the north, other bordering neighborhoods are Southwest Hills, Homestead, Hillsdale, and South Burlingame to the west, and Hosford-Abernethy, Brooklyn, and Sellwood-Moreland across the river on the east. The neighborhood, formerly known as Corbett-Terwilliger-Lair Hill or CTLH, changed its name at a meeting of its neighborhood association on September 6, 2006 to be more concise and inclusive. South Portland was the name of a 19th-century community that overlapped the present day neighborhood. - source: Wikipedia

WhereiPark is a marketplace for monthly parking where you can easily search for parking spots by location, find information and make a booking. It's very simple and free when making a booking!

Spots near Corbett Terwilliger Lair Hill

Address Intersection Price Type
3833 South Bond Ave $225.00 Monthly Parking Book Now
Address: 3833 South Bond Ave
Price: $225.00
Type: Monthly Parking
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