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Find monthly parking near Port Richmond

Port Richmond is a neighborhood in the River Wards section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is notable for its extremely large Polish immigrant and Polish American community. The neighborhood is also home to a large Irish American community and sizable German and Italian communities as represented in the various churches and organizations. In more recent years, a sizable Albanian community has moved in. The Richmond Zip Code is 19134 and 19125. The neighborhood is bounded by the Frankford Creek to the northeast, Lehigh Avenue to the southwest, I-95 and the Delaware River to the southeast, and Frankford Avenue to the northwest. While some people dispute the western boundary of the neighborhood, stating either Aramingo Avenue or Frankford Avenue, general consensus among residents on either side of the railroad is that those east of it claim Port Richmond and those west of it claim Harrowgate. While some have referred to Port Richmond as Richmond, there is an area named Richmond, not colloquially used often, that refers to the most northeast section of the neighborhood. In recent years, residents have accepted Portside as the neighborhoods up and coming party scene. Adjacent neighborhoods are Bridesburg and Frankford to the northeast, Juniata to the north, Harrowgate to the west, Fishtown and Olde Richmond to the south. - source: Wikipedia

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