Monthly Parking near Chicago
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Monthly Parking in Chicago, IL
The windy city has plenty of activities and work opportunities. But the city is notoriously pricey and difficult when it comes to parking. Fortunately, WhereiPark can help you find the most convenient and affordable monthly parking locations. If you want to save the most time and money, monthly parking is the most affordable and convenient choice. In Chicago, parking is at a premium, so it’s best to search for the cheapest monthly parking in advance. Have a look at our map and find the best location and rate for your monthly parking needs.
Monthly Parking Rates in Chicago
The monthly rates for parking in Chicago range from $125 to $325. Use this information and select a parking space at a price that works best for you.Featured monthly Chicago rates
What you need to know about Monthly Parking in Chicago
Metered parking spaces can cover many of your parking needs in Chicago. But if you work in a busy area or go to a busy leisure area during the weekend, it will be more challenging to find parking. Even if you use ParkChicago©, hourly rates will be the same. This makes them an impractical long-term option. You can find monthly parking options spread across all of Chicago’s neighborhoods. While the city is expensive overall, you can find cheaper options by planning in advance. There are also other monthly parking spaces available across Chicago. Rates typically start at $125 but can even surpass $400 in some areas. WhereiPark can help you find the best rates available in the neighborhood you need parking in. Find and access the best monthly parking in residential buildings
Chicago Parking Statistics
- Chicago makes over $200 million per year on parking tickets.
- Some Chicago residents have faced bankruptcy over parking charges. So, make sure you plan your Chicago parking needs in advance!
- Chicago street parking is more expensive than street parking in any other US city.
- It’s typical to face $13 charges for two hours of parking in the most in-demand areas for parking.
- Americans spend an average of 17 hours looking for parking each year. In Chicago, they spend an average of 56 hours.