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Find monthly parking near Spring Garden

Spring Garden is a neighborhood in central Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, bordering Center City on the north. Spring Garden is a neighborhood that combines diverse residential neighborhoods and significant cultural attractions. The residential areas on the north side of the neighborhood (North of Spring Garden Street) are composed mostly of brick and brownstone three-story townhouses built during the mid-to-late 19th century. The houses include townhouses in the Italianate style, Second Empire, Queen Anne, and Venetian Gothic. Many streets (including Green Street and Spring Garden Street) include "terraced" set ups, which include a small gardened plot, often raised, in front of the house. The residential areas to the south are dominated by taller, multi-family buildings built during the 20th century. The museum area, also to the south of Spring Garden Street, includes the Rodin Museum, the Central Library of Philadelphia, and the Barnes Museum. - source: Wikipedia

WhereiPark is a marketplace for monthly parking where you can easily search for parking spots by location, find information and make a booking. It's very simple and free when making a booking!

Spots near Spring Garden

Address Intersection Price Type
1618 Olive St $281.25 Monthly Parking Book Now
Address: 1618 Olive St
Price: $281.25
Type: Monthly Parking
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